Sunday, 14 July 2013

Why Consider Investing in Stock Futures?

Stock futures, similar to put options, allow you to sell a quantity of stock at a fixed price to another investor regardless of market fluctuations. Stock futures allow investors precise calculations on their profits or losses in the future and give them a heads-up on where to adjust their portfolios.

However, stock futures have their own disadvantages. With a fixed number of stocks and prices, the market fluctuation’s gain cannot increase the price of the stocks. Any investor’s short or long order could mean greater losses for their portfolio, and even if predicted, could go beyond the loss threshold they set.

Dealing in stock futures have been a common investor trade practice and the two or more parties are legally bound to fulfil their responsibilities. It is also a way for forecasters to know the trends in the market, especially the level of investor confidence in different markets.

Most systematic investors make use of stock futures since many want to increase the predictability and assess risk levels instead of increasing their profits. Stock futures are a good way to stabilize portfolios during a market slump.

If you do not wish to invest in stock futures, it is highly important that you read or know about the futures forecasts because they could guide you about the risks involved in the industries you’re willing to partake.