Monday, 14 September 2015

The Three Ways You Can Properly Use Credit Cards

People avoid credit cards like the plague being scared of high interest rates and mis-managed, borrowed wealth. However, credit cards take you back during a time in high school where your teachers grade your performance. Credit cards help banks determine your financial capability and responsibility to grant you access to higher credit as a form of reward.

You save money if you know how to spend it properly. That goes true for credit cards too!

1. Stick With One Card… For Now

Taking out multiple credit cards means taking on numerous responsibilities, namely repaying the finances you take out from each card. What's more, you're lowering your credit scores as soon as you take out more credit cards. Averaging the credit score, banks find that you have performed neutrally on other cards compared to your primary card. A neutral performance means a lower score. So for now, stick with one card. Build as you go would be best here.

2. Spend on More Practical Things With Your Credit Card

Practical things include gasoline, grocery and emergency items. Using your credit card to finance luxury items is okay if you have efficient fiscal management. The higher the financing you need, the better your credit score.

Look at your usual spending and list down the things you could do away with using your credit card. In this way, you reduce the likelihood of ending up in huge credit card debt.

3. Pay Regularly And In Full

By paying in full, your credit card becomes a 'wallet'. In a sense, the wallet is additional funds from your bank, which you repay to refill. If you do not refill your 'wallet' monthly, the owner of the wallet takes more for the service, hence the interest rate. Pay regularly and pay full amounts to avoid higher interest rates.