Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Europe Finance Ministers Agree To French-Led Terrorist Assets Body

According to EU Finance Ministers they have agreed to create a French-led organisation that will track and freeze terrorist funding across Europe. The agreement was made as an effort by France to end the terrorist threat to Europe after the previous month's bombing and attacks in Paris.

The European Commission is set to create a proposal to limit cash movements found to be illicit, asset freezing and financial intelligence sharing between countries to crack down on terrorist funding.

According to EC Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis:

“Ministers agreed to work on the fight against terrorism financing as an immediate priority."

French Finance Minister Michael Sapin said:

“France is satisfied,” Mr. Sapin said after the meeting. “The European Commission and EU countries will speed up efforts and cooperation between services will increase.”

The agreement will help create a comprehensive EU system that can search terrorist bank transfers modelled on international bank transactions programs the US used during its efforts post-September 11 attacks.

France wishes to implement ID checks on anonymous transactions within the European Union. Electronic currencies such as bitcoin and prepaid cards would be affected.

According to French intelligence, the terrorist cell that initiated the attack received funding in small amounts. Prepaid cards became a way to discreetly shift money from one place to the other.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Three Things You're Enjoying Right Now If You Shopped Early For Christmas

It's almost December and I bet you're finished with your holiday shopping. What? You're not? Well, not to worry. I tried the advice of those people in YouTube about shopping early and guess what? They're really right on the money.

Well, it took a little bit of effort, such as noting down and scheduling things. But then, it's a convenient way to shop.

Less Costs, More Gifts

Obviously, anticipating sales, as these YouTube tippers advised, had me buying items during percent-off sales. Some gave me half the price off. But that's just the minimum.
I actually saved on bulk deals offered last August in supermarts. Some shops, even online shops, were offering huge deals on certain items. These were running out, but I got them cheaper than I would get in Christmas.

Less Headache

I also faced less headache on the road. Christmas shopping traffic is hell, just ask anybody who did their Christmas shopping last year. If you want to save up on traffic, come home in one piece and keep your cool, then do your shopping earlier than you plan to.

No Credit Troubles

With huge sales abound and setting up Christmas shopping during your paydays, you're likely to pay for cash. You could plan your expenses. If you forgot anything, you could always head back at a later sale. Paying for cash, and saving up for money, reduces the need to use credit.

But if I plan my expenses accordingly using my credit card, I could open more opportunities for myself when it comes to financing.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Feeling Down? Just Do These Three Things To Get Your Finances Back On Track!

Working for 9 to 5 daily, even if everyone is doing it, is not always enjoyable. Even if you love your job, moody days and turbulent bodily reactions will get to you.

That's the time we begin asking "what are we doing with our lives?"

Of course, the answer to that is we work because we need money for things we need. So far, that 9 to 5 job had given us plenty of things to work with despite the economic situation and all.

But depressing days can come without warning and you might overspend as a response. Here are three things you could do.

Three Things You're Grateful For

List down three things you're thankful for. It can be as simple as having coffee every day, three square meals daily, the ability to drive a car or to afford gas. Anything. 

"I Am Wealthy Because I Have Enough"

If you've reached your financial equilibrium, you often find yourself in a happier position with your finances.

Our concept of wealth is about earning so much more while doing so little. It's also about living a luxurious life. But many are blinded by money rather than seeing time as the commodity of highest value.

It is quite rare for anybody to spend the money they earn these days. But for those who have enough time to spend their money on wants and enough money to spend for their needs, they are the true wealthiest ones.

There's a secret to this: level down the things you want, and you're instantly wealthy!

The Opposite Of Everything

If you aren't working that 9 to 5, you'll be living in the slums. If not for your job and ability to do creative work, you won't have three square meals for you and your family.

You'd rather be struggling in the traffic than laying around the streets begging for money, right?

You'd rather be talking to people with product concerns and concentrating on your product training rather than having nothing to help yourself with.

Contrasts will always help you find your motivation.

Monday, 14 September 2015

The Three Ways You Can Properly Use Credit Cards

People avoid credit cards like the plague being scared of high interest rates and mis-managed, borrowed wealth. However, credit cards take you back during a time in high school where your teachers grade your performance. Credit cards help banks determine your financial capability and responsibility to grant you access to higher credit as a form of reward.

You save money if you know how to spend it properly. That goes true for credit cards too!

1. Stick With One Card… For Now

Taking out multiple credit cards means taking on numerous responsibilities, namely repaying the finances you take out from each card. What's more, you're lowering your credit scores as soon as you take out more credit cards. Averaging the credit score, banks find that you have performed neutrally on other cards compared to your primary card. A neutral performance means a lower score. So for now, stick with one card. Build as you go would be best here.

2. Spend on More Practical Things With Your Credit Card

Practical things include gasoline, grocery and emergency items. Using your credit card to finance luxury items is okay if you have efficient fiscal management. The higher the financing you need, the better your credit score.

Look at your usual spending and list down the things you could do away with using your credit card. In this way, you reduce the likelihood of ending up in huge credit card debt.

3. Pay Regularly And In Full

By paying in full, your credit card becomes a 'wallet'. In a sense, the wallet is additional funds from your bank, which you repay to refill. If you do not refill your 'wallet' monthly, the owner of the wallet takes more for the service, hence the interest rate. Pay regularly and pay full amounts to avoid higher interest rates.

Monday, 10 August 2015

How Do You Convince Your Boss To Get A Higher Salary? Here Are Three Ways

A raise; it seems impossible for plenty of employers nowadays. If you place yourself in their shoes, you would understand. The UK's economy is growing and improving, but it is similar to a pole that is standing only on its centre of gravity and without proper support.

But you've been working hard. You definitely deserve a raise. While these methods are tried-and-tested to be highly effective, factors, including the current economic situation, will impede on your progress.

1.  Why Do You Deserve A Raise?

Before you plan on talking to your boss, remember the reasons why you deserve a raise. You've learned enough skills, check! You've learned to become entirely effective with your work, another check! You've been handling more responsibilities than what is set in the contract, check!

For sure, you deserve a raise indeed. But sometimes…

2. You Need To Get Your Timing Right

As stated earlier, not every company is doing well financially nowadays. It might not be the right time to try and ask for more cash. But then, there's always the regular pay review. When it's time, maybe you could speak up. If someone in your team leaves, it's best to link up and converse with the internal recruitment staff!

3. Geographic Research

You will want to make your case. You want to make a pitch. But you need the right information. You might find some same pay-grade to improved pay grade with current market rates. But always remember; geography dictates the amount you receive for your work. You might be paid higher for a similar occupation in London than in the Midlands, for example. It also depends on the business activities in the area.

But if you have effective research, you could definitely make your case successful! 

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Greece Has Submitted Its Three-Year Bailout Request. Leading Economists Predict A Greek Exit

With four days away from complete banking collapse and an enormous humanitarian crisis in Greece, Tsipras applies for a three-year bailout with a proposition. However, economists still see the higher likelihood of a Greek exit.

European Leaders have made a strict ultimatum to Greece. If it does not submit a viable proposal by Thursday, the 28 leaders of the European Union would convene to discuss the containment of a possible Greek exit.

Meanwhile, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble draws a hard line against Greece in making its bailout agreement. In a closed- door meeting with Greece, German Chancellor Angela Merkel had limited movement to help make concessions to keep Greece in the euro.

German Lawmakers said that there was a small gap developing between the Chancellery and the Finance Ministry, which has never happened. Despite such, the German Chancellor has the final say.

However, the German public supports Schäuble's decision to force Greece to meet their demands.

Merkel is willing to give Greece one more chance to negotiate and to offer more flexibility for the future bailout package for Greece.

According to sources close to Schäuble, he is hard on Greece because he is one of the designers of the Eurozone's economic debt crisis response, which focused on toughening fiscal rules and offering emergency funding for economic overhauls.

Should a deal not be met, which is likely as Tsipras is focused on eliminating additional austerity, experts remain sceptical of the end results for Greece's financial crisis.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Money Tips For Children? Here Are Just A Few Things You’ll Need To Know

By the age of 11 or 12, children are already conscious about where they spend their allowance. They become conscious of how to earn money by doing housework for other people during summer.

According to CPA Matt Bryant, it would teach children lots about finance if they do the following, given it was taught by their parents.

1.    Spending and Saving Accounts

According to Bryant, an organisation of money through savings and spending accounts will help children know about calculated or budgeted spending. In this way, children learn and take it to heart to spend only allocated amounts for their personal use.

2.    Teach Taxes

Some summer job employers may have a withholding tax from their employer. This withholding tax could be received once a child can file income tax returns. This is where he and other CPAs could come in to help.

3.    Avoid Credit

Bryant said that children must avoid credit at all costs. Unless their parents have taught them effectively about budgeting and using credit could they only use credit cards. While they are younger, Bryant said it would be best that children know about the connection of hard work and earned money. 

Monday, 11 May 2015

Greece May Choose To Exit EU. Germany Believes It As ‘Manageable’

The hardening positions of both Europe and Greece continue as the Finance Minister Meeting Date comes closer. Greece will meet with EU’s financial ministers to discuss how it would repay £544 million or €750 million worth of bailout as the country is soon to become bankrupt.

According to IHS Principal Economist Diego Iscaro, Greece needs to liquidate its assets as its official funds continue to dry out. Greece’s Syriza party has had more trouble with its international creditors than the previous leaders.

The EU is calling on Greece to make substantial cuts to spending and reduce public sector spending to receive further bailout support. However, Syriza had promised that it would end austerity measures while it continues to pay pensions and salaries.

With thousands of public sector workers returning to their jobs, Syriza needs to make good on its promise. 

Analysts including Chief Global Economist At Capital Economics Julian Jessop believe that a Greek Exit is not too far away.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Will The Eco Shower Drop Truly Save You Money? Yahoo UK Finance Seems To Think So!

At any time of the year, a shower in the bath is relaxing. Warm or cold water running down your body is an option done in a few seconds by your water heater. But, upon close examination, your shower wastes about 1 ½ gallons of water yearly for daily consumption. More wasted water means higher energy bills.

Reading through Yahoo UK Finance, reporter Felicity Hannah tried the Eco Shower Drop. 

The manufacturer states that the universal shower meter helps save the average UK family about £180 annually from water and energy costs.
Attaching the gadget on her power shower, she has to turn it on. The gadget then limits the water consumption by stopping the flow when needed. She said that honestly, it couldn’t save her £180 unless you’re really disciplined to go on a timed shower.

It’s safe to say that the gadget was worth a try. Testing it out on my own regular shower, it limits my shower time and water consumption. But it doesn’t take too long to fill up the water meter as Felicity had said.
You’ll have to calibrate it effectively, which can be a bit tricky. However, if you can, it’s most likely capable to help you save water the way you need it.

Nonetheless, the key points I saw was that:

  • If you’re disciplined, you could make the best out of your gadget
  • No gadget can restrain your behaviour unless you let it.

So, if you plan to save money from showering, take initiative, use the gadget as your yardstick, but don’t depend on it as a primary restraint.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Personal Finance Basics for Entrepreneurs.

Ramit Sethi, a best-selling author that teaches students and up and coming entrepreneurs the basics of managing their finances effectively. His core principles focus on a system of frugality that puts into perspective the maximisation of funds and resources for using the money in a creative entrepreneurial engagement.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Can Weight Loss Make You Spend Less? [Infographic]

It must mean that when you eat less, you also spend less. But is it true that you could save money or does it only apply on non-gourmet meals? Here's an infographic that best illustrates what happens to your many should you decide to spend less.