A raise; it seems impossible for plenty of employers
nowadays. If you place yourself in their shoes, you would understand. The UK's
economy is growing and improving, but it is similar to a pole that is standing
only on its centre of gravity and without proper support.
But you've been working hard. You definitely deserve a
raise. While these methods are tried-and-tested to be highly effective,
factors, including the current economic situation, will impede on your
1. Why Do You Deserve A Raise?
Before you plan on talking to your boss, remember the
reasons why you deserve a raise. You've learned enough skills, check! You've
learned to become entirely effective with your work, another check! You've been
handling more responsibilities than what is set in the contract, check!
For sure, you deserve a raise indeed. But sometimes…
2. You Need To Get Your Timing Right
As stated earlier, not every company is doing well
financially nowadays. It might not be the right time to try and ask for more
cash. But then, there's always the regular pay review. When it's time, maybe
you could speak up. If someone in your team leaves, it's best to link up and
converse with the internal recruitment staff!
3. Geographic Research
You will want to make your case. You want to make a
pitch. But you need the right information. You might find some same pay-grade
to improved pay grade with current market rates. But always remember; geography
dictates the amount you receive for your work. You might be paid higher for a
similar occupation in London than in the Midlands, for example. It also depends
on the business activities in the area.
But if you have effective research, you could
definitely make your case successful!